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District of Affoltern am Albis (ZH)

Open air and indoor swimming pools             

In the district of Affoltern am Albis exist the following public bathes. If your locality is missing means that there is no swimming pool or public bathing beach.

'Open air swimming pool «Stigeli»', Affoltern am Albis (reduced with DI-card)

'Beach at the lake Türler', Hausen am Albis

'Pond of Hedingen', Hedingen

Knonau: To use the pools in Maschwanden and Mettmenstetten
                     it is possible to buy a seasonal card at the office of Knonau.

'Open air pool Maschwanden', Maschwanden | 'Open air pool', Mettmenstetten

'Open air swimming pool' (Prices), Obfelden | 'Indoor swimming pool', Ottenbach

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