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District of Andelfingen (ZH)

Open air and indoor swimming pools             

In the district of Andelfingen exist the following public bathes. If your locality is missing means that there is no swimming pool or public bathing beach.

'Open air swimming pool' Andelfingen

'Open air pool Bachdelle / River bath at the Rhine' Dachsen

'Indoor pool Stumpenboden' Feuerthalen | 'Open air' Flaach

'Bathing place Usser Gründen at the Rhine' Flurlingen (free)

'Open air pool Oerlingen' Kleinandelfingen

'Indoor and open air swimmig pools' Rheinau

'Bathing place at the lake of Nussbaum' Stammheim

'Open air swimming pool «Im Röhrli»' Stammheim

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