In the district of Bülach
exist the following public bathes. If your locality
is missing means that there is no swimming pool
or public bathing beach.
air pool Hasenbühl' • 'Indoor
pool Geeren', Bassersdorf;
the admission
has a reduced price with the DI-card; with
the CultureCard
you receive 50%
rebate for the single entrance, subscription for
10 entries and for long-term
'Open air pool Hirslen' • 'Indoor
pool Hirslen',
Bülach (no reduction);
with the
you receive 50% rebate for
single entries, cards with 8 entries
and subscriptions for the indoor pool, open air
pool, skating rink and minigolf
air swimming pool' • 'Indoor
swimming pool',
'Bathing place at the Rhine',
Eglisau (free)
air / Indoor swimming pool Talegg',
air swimming pool Wisengrund',
air' • 'Indoor
pool' Schluefweg,
Kloten; reduced with the DI-card; with
the CultureCard
you get 50% discount for entries
(single and subscriptions)
in both swimming pools (only valid for persons living
in Kloten)