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District of Winterthur (ZH)

Open air and indoor swimming pools

'Open air swimming pool «Weiher»', Seuzach
(With the CultureCard you get 50% rebate on the single entry)

'Open air swimming pool «Büel»''Indoor swimming pool «Gässli»', Wiesendangen

'Indoor and open air swimming pool «Geiselweid»', Winterthur
(With the CultureCard you receive 50% reduction on the single entry)

'Open air swimming pool «Auwiesen-Töss»', Winterthur
(With the CultureCard you obtain 50% discount on the single entry)

'Open air swimming pool «Oberi»', Oberwinterthur (Winterthur)
(With the CultureCard you get 50% reduction on the single admission)

'Open air swimming pool «Wolfensberg»''Open air pool «Wülflingen»', Winterthur
(With the CultureCard you obtain for both pools 50% rebate on the single entry)

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