bath «Au-Höngg» (free) | Seaside
resort «Katzensee» (free)
bath (bath for men) «Schanzengraben»
(free for men)
bath «Oberer Letten» (free) | River
bath «Unterer Letten» (free)
For all other open air pools of Zurich the same
prices are effective (see below):
| Auhof
| Dolder
| Enge
| Heuried
| Letzigraben
| Mythenquai
| Seebach
| Tiefenbrunnen
| Utoquai
| Wollishofen
| Zwischen
den Hölzern
(single entry as DI: CHF 5.00; 6 entries = combo6
DI: CHF 25.00; combo12 DI:
CHF 50.00; summer subscription DI: CHF 60.00; annual
subscription DI: CHF 140.00)
Otherwise, you get with the CultureCard
50% discount on the single entry and subscription
for inhabitants living in Zurich City; excluded
are Dolder
and Enge
you otain 50% rebate on the admission to the sauna
at the «Seebad Enge»)